In Cosmetic

“I am so excited to announce the addition of Profound RF to our practice. I will have to admit, during my 20 years of practice, this is the most excited I have been about introducing a device.  Up until now, I have not had any non-surgical procedures to offer my patients that I truly believed in for skin tightening, especially of the lower face and neck. I have had to refer all of these patients to surgical modalities, most of whom ultimately decide against having surgical procedures done.” – Dr. Asha James

Join Dr. Asha James, August 24th, 6-7pm, to discuss this exciting technology available at Columbia Skin Clinic. Perfect for a little social downtime, your final results will take a few months to reveal themselves…just in time to reveal a new you when the mask comes off!

Plus there will be EVENT ONLY SPECIAL PRICING. Join us on August 24th to learn about this incredible special!

botox-your-questions-answeredLaser Hair Removal Explained