In Ask a Dermatologist, Cosmetic, Skin Care

Cosmetic dermatology Is constantly evolving. There are lots of options available to help you achieve your skin goals that do not involve surgical procedures. Here are five trending aesthetic procedures to try that can help you feel more confident than ever. 

1. Dermal fillers

The desire for a sculpted, well-defined face is a trend that continues to be popular. Dermal fillers provide natural-looking results and require minimal downtime. They are an ideal choice for people with busy lifestyles who want to refresh their appearance with a cosmetic procedure.

As we age, our skin loses volume and elasticity, which can cause wrinkles and sagging skin. Dermal fillers can add volume and reduce wrinkles in specific areas of the face, including:

  • Nasolabial folds, the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth
  • Marionette folds, the creases from your mouth to your chin
  • Cheekbone area
  • Tear troughs under the eyes

You can also use dermal fillers to create more volume and plumpness in the lips. They can also correct uneven lips and smooth wrinkles on the sides of your mouth.

Most fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which gives skin volume and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers attract water, making the area appear smooth and plump and reducing signs of aging. Popular brands of dermal fillers include Juvederm and Restylane.

You can often see results from fillers immediately, but it can take four weeks for them to set in fully. Dermal fillers generally last from six months up to one year.

2. Injectable neurotoxins

Neurotoxins have been a staple in aesthetic trends for their ability to lessen the appearance of wrinkles. Neurotoxins are injections that temporarily block muscle movement to reduce dynamic wrinkles and fine lines caused by repetitive facial movements. It reduces movement in those areas by preventing nerve impulses from signaling to the muscles to contract.

Your dermatologist can inject neurotoxins in specific muscles to smooth wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead or around the eyes. Botox was the first neurotoxin FDA-approved for cosmetic purposes. There are several other brands available now, including Dysport, Xeomin, and Daxxify.

Your dermatologist will determine which brand is right for you based on the area you want treated.

You can see treatment results a few days after the procedure. The full effects appear after two weeks.  Botox, Dysport and Xeomin generally last for three months. Daxxify can last up to six months in some patients.

3. Intense pulsed light

Intense pulsed light (IPL) can address various skin concerns, including wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars and uneven pigmentation. This non-surgical treatment stimulates skin cells with a warm, broad-spectrum light. The light penetrates beneath the surface of the skin to destroy skin blemishes.

IPL is unlike laser resurfacing because it can cover larger areas of the face and body. You can have IPL therapy on the face, arms, legs, chest, neck and back to treat:

  • Age spots
  • Acne discoloration or scarring
  • Birthmarks
  • Broken capillaries
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage and freckles

IPL can also remove unwanted hair by penetrating the hair follicles to kill the root and prevent growth. 

After an IPL treatment, you may have minor redness or bruising, but it will subside within a few hours. You can see the full effects of the treatment after a few weeks. If you use IPL for hair removal, you will begin to see hair fall out a few weeks after treatment. You may need several IPL treatments to achieve the results you desire. 

IPL therapy is safe for light to medium skin types. Your dermatologist will make a recommendation based on your skin type.

4. Microneedling with exosomes

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive treatment that has gained popularity. It stimulates collagen and elastin production, improves skin texture and reduces fine lines. It can also help with large pores, acne scarring, skin tone and skin discoloration of the outer layer of skin.

Microneedling involves puncturing the skin with tiny needles. These micro-injuries trigger the skin to repair and regenerate. After the treatment, your dermatologist will apply an exosome serum to the new channels in the skin. Exosomes contain lipids, proteins, amino acids, peptides and growth factors.

The treatment is safe, with minimal downtime, and you can see results immediately. The treatment continues to work for six weeks as the skin begins to produce new collagen and elastin. You may notice your skin tightening and feeling smoother.

5. PRP for hair loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) scalp therapy is a popular solution for people with thinning hair or overall hair loss. The treatment helps stimulate natural hair growth using a three-step process.

To begin the treatment, your dermatologist will draw a sample of your blood to process into platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The PRP is then injected into the affected areas of your scalp. The growth factors in PRP promote hair follicle health, strengthen existing hair and encourage the growth of new hair strands.

Downtime is minimal, but you may have soreness at the injection site. The side effects resolve within a day.

PRP for hair loss is a non-invasive treatment option suitable for both men and women experiencing thinning hair. Results vary based on age and gender. You can combine PRP scalp therapy with other hair restoration treatments under the guidance of your dermatologist.

Aesthetic procedures in South Carolina

Meet with an experienced and board-certified dermatologist to discuss today’s popular cosmetic treatments for your skin and hair. At Columbia Skin Clinic, we offer the most popular aesthetic treatments, as well as chemical peels, body contouring and laser treatments. Our team provides personalized care to help you understand all the options and become more radiant and confident. Call us today to schedule a consultation for aesthetic treatments.

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